I was lazy to compose and to upload photos...
freaking tired + lazy~
well, i will do it soon by posting all together (promising to myself)
*Yes, a promise is as good as a contract* haha...
Late Post for the father's Day (21.6.2009)
Happy Father's Day
Any man can be a Father, but it takes a special person to be called Dad.
And, YOU are really special to us....
Your love to us:
- YOU hold mummy tight
- YOU patted my back for something done right
- YOU thumb-up when i am doing well
- YOU were soft and warm when i am upset
- YOU were hard as a steel when i do something wrong
- YOU give us everything
- YOU sacrifised unselfishly just to keep us all fed
- YOUR arm always keep us warm
- YOU help us to stand up strong
more and more and more we are owing to YOU.
Sometimes YOU are a bit stubborn and a strict disciplinarian though we all may not like it or even understand it. We still Love YOU, Dad. We really appreciate what we have now. We enjoying it.
Dear daddy, I want to say sorry for I have disappointed you.
I'm sorry for being me, which isn't good enough.
But I wish I could be the daughter, You strongly wish I was. ^^
>My Sweet Family<
have fun in Green Box seremban.... warmth of family.....nice